Date & Time: 02.06.2022, Starting: 4PM, Ending: 7.30-8 PM
Location: Stadtwirtschaft l Jakobstraße 46, 09130 Chemnitz
Format: Workshop, free of charge
Speaker: Alexandra Harzer
Registration via mail: gruendungsgarage@asa-ff.de
Brief description:
Whether you have a start-up project, are solo self-employed, coordinate an association, work in an organization or pursue personal goals: you all have plans, ideas and projects that you want to move forward with. It is not always easy to keep an overview of the whole picture, and at the same time to really work through the individual steps. So how and where do you start?
In our workshop, you will learn how to set SMART goals, how to record work packages and how to keep an eye on time. How and which methods are suitable for your own concerns, we will determine together in the exchange of experiences. The goal of the workshop is to give you a practical approach to the topic of project management.
Suitable for all who want to get started in a structured way. Participation is free of charge.
The workshop will be held in German. Our rooms are not barrier-free. If you have any wishes or needs for your participation in the workshop, please let us know when you register.
The workshop will be held by Alexandra Harzer, senior project manager at CREATIVCLICKS. Alex has many years of professional experience in online/agile project management with a focus on project design and consulting.
Please register by 01.06.2022 via mail to gruendungsgarage@asa-ff.de.
Please indicate “workshop” in the subject line and leave your full name, email, (if applicable) organization and needs in the mail.