Sustainable development – What does it have to do with me?
In our industrialized world, the world’s most important issues such as hunger, poverty, clean drinking water and medical care certainly appear in a different light than elsewhere on our planet. Nonetheless, the 2030 Agenda, with its 17 Sustainable Development Goals, calls on everyone’s contribution to achieve sustainable development. Primarily, this means becoming aware of the contents. We experienced such a sensitization on Thursday, 03 November 22 in Weltecho Chemnitz with Gründungsgarage. By putting ourselves in other life situations and other countries, we could feel how complex and situative the topic is. We put personal circumstances in the focus of the discussion and how they let us perceive and shape components of sustainable development. With the help of concrete actions that we are already taking, we helped each other to start even new steps for ourselves as a contribution to sustainable development: Avoiding plastic, planting trees or animal-free consumption. The focus was on indirect things in our lives as well as indirect, compensatory measures that may have an impact elsewhere in the world. Did you know? Germany ranks fourth in Transitions Performance Index. Thank you for this valuable input, Anja Hermann-Fankhänel!