On 25 May 2023, our kick-off for the new term of the scholarship programme took place at the Stadtwirtschaft Chemnitz. The applicants presented their innovative ideas with the aim of winning one of the scholarships, which supports the founding of a company and specifically promotes social or cultural ideas.
Our previous scholarship holder Bjarne Lotze presented his founding story and the resulting initiative “Stadterleuchten”, which translates complicated administrative language into simpler language.
Then it was the turn of the scholarship holders themselves: they put their business idea on paper and then presented it to the jury, which was made up of experienced representatives from business, culture and civil society.
Out of the five ideas presented, four were accepted into the scholarship programme. In addition to a workshop for instrument making, these include an app to strengthen urban cohesion, the production of a regional drink and a workshop concept that combines sexual education work with art. The selected business ideas stood out for their social relevance, innovative strength and potential for positive change in society.
During the eight-month scholarship, the future founders not only receive support in the form of advice and guidance, but also access to an extensive network of experts, mentors and resources to successfully implement their ideas and achieve a sustainable impact.